Wednesday, February 11, 2009

#15 (I have a blog?)

Between my business and my laziness, I managed to let my blog fall by the wayside. However, I really want to bring this thing back to life. So here I go....

It's February. I have been a band director for almost 7 months now in Charlestown, Indiana. I still love my job. I have thankfully begun to figure out how this whole thing works. I don't come home sad and depressed anymore, wondering if I made the wrong career choice. I made the decision to leave work at work when possible. When I cross the river and enter Kentucky, its time to focus on me, my dogs, my relationshiops with other people, and my life. I take my dogs for a walk. I watch my favorite tv shows. I go out to dinner with my friends. I swap stories with my roommate. I talk to mom on the phone. I lead my life. But believe me, its impossible to leave everything back in Indiana. When needed, I still write lesson plans, study scores, grade papers, and do paperwork. I just don't let this take over my every waking minute.

When Dr. Kate Fitzpatrick was at U of L, she gave me some advice that really stuck. She told me to not make my job 100% of my life. She said to get hobbies, date, hang out with friends, go out on the weekends, lay around on the couch on a Saturday, make time for yourself. She (and I) have seen too many band directors quit because of burn-out. I'm not gonna be one of those teachers. I'm gonna do my job and do it well, but I'm not gonna spend every waking minute thinking about my band program. So far, this has led to much saner days for me as a teacher!

So here are a few updates from school since September, the brief version, of course....

Marching band ended in October. The kids were happy with the results of the year. We receieved a bronze medal at District Competition and 1st place in our class at Louisville Male High School's competition. All in all, a successful season. The band learned and had fun. Next year will be better because there will be more time to plan.

In October, my high school concert band was invited to play at Gov. Sarah Palin's rally in Jeffersonville, Indiana. There were 50,000 people there (the biggest audience I will ever have for band concert). And to top it all off, we opened for Hank Williams Jr! However, I never want to be in a room with that many republicans ever again. Actually, I wouldn't want to be in the room with that many democrats either!

In December, our band's winter concert was cancelled because of an ice storm that was supposed to come through that day. It didn't. We were back in school the next day. There wasn't any ice, but there were a lot of upset band students. The middle school bands got to play for the school the next day, but my high school kids just didn't get a concert. That sucked.

In January, we missed a week of school for a real ice storm. Everyone lost power, except for me. I enjoyed the week off work. I will not enjoy going to school until June to make those days up.

Last weekend, some high school students went to Solo and Ensemble. We participated in 12 events (9 solos and 3 ensembles). We received 6 gold medals, 5 silver, and 1 bronze. 4 of the events are going to state competition next weekend in Indianapolis: 1 senior alto sax solo, 1 sophomore clarinet solo, 1 sophomore woodwind trio, and percussion ensemble. I am very proud of these students!

Now you are caught up. More to come. Please remind me to update this thing.

Ancora Imparo,

Mr. Rohner


75th Trombone said...

Oh man, I can't believe you actually played for Sarah Palin. Though we haven't talked politics in a while, I'd wager I'm a bit closer to Republican than you are, but I would never ever ever have let my band play for Sarah Palin or support her in any other way.

Of course, it may have been decided higher up than you on the food chain. If so, you have my heartfelt sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Came across this today, and I gotta say, it's helped put things into perspective. I'm only a sub right now, but I'm thinking long-term since I'll be with the kids 8+ weeks. I stayed up tonight writing a few lesson plans, but I don't think I'll be doing that too often. I'm seeing that in the past, I did let the job take over, and I got burned out. I don't want that to happen this time.