Friday, May 30, 2008

#7 (Mom)

I'm not big on cards. Birthday cards, get well cards, Christmas cards....I just never send them. I am becoming very good about sending thank you cards. I believe those are the most important. I've sent out several lately for all the money and gifts I received for graduation. Well today, I received another kind of card from my mom. This is what the front of the card said:

It seems like only yesterday
that you were the little boy
who loved to learn new things -
the curious child who
captured so much of my attention.
You needed me so much then...
and you grew so close to my heart.
But as time went on, you grew more
independent and more confident -
and I watched with mixed feelings
of pride in your accomplishments
and uncertainty of how the future
would change our relationship.
How could I have known
that as you grew older,
I would grow to know you in a new way -
to learn new things from you,
and to see in you a man
that brings more pride to me
than words could ever say.
No matter how much time passes, son,
I want you to know
you will always be close to my heart.
- Sharon Valleau

For those of you that know me and my mom, these words couldn't be more true. I cried when I got this. I love her very much. That is all I can say about that.

Peace, Love, & Equality,

Jon Rohner

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